Wednesday, October 26, 2011

One of Those Weeks

[This is my first and longest blog post so far!]

Every few months, I have what I like to call "One of Those Weeks."

"One of Those Weeks" is one of those weeks in which the daily disciplines one typically maintains are extremely difficult to maintain. In my case, I am referring to exercise. Exercise is usually the priority for me. It is a higher priority than my day job. It is a higher priority than studying for my weekend class. It is a higher priority than sleep. It is a higher priority than my personal enterprise. Since my personal enterprise is fitness and nutrition, I give myself a break there.

During "One of Those Weeks," scheduling makes it nearly impossible to fit in a workout. This is my second consecutive "One of Those Weeks..." I did manage to work out twice last week; I've only got one run in so far this week.

More than one "One of Those Weeks" sends me into a vicious cycle. While "One of Those Weeks" is mentally draining, the lack of exercise keeps my body from getting tired. That results in insomnia. Staying up late makes it even harder than normal to wake up in time to exercise in the mornings, so I sleep in and skip my workout. Skipping my workout doesn't tire out my body, so I can't get to sleep that night.

Vicious Circles can be pretty vicious sometimes.

On top of that, I get frustrated missing workouts. I really get mad at myself; because I know missing workouts will ruin my sleep and my energy level throughout each day. The frustration causes stress, which makes it even more difficult for me to get to sleep at night. And since it's "One of Those Weeks," I can't go into to work late or leave early to sneak in a workout.

The Vicious Cycle gets viciouser and circler.

I made up two words!

The upside--and there is always an upside--is that I learn my lesson. I realize that to take care of others, I have to take care of myself. The weeks during which it is most difficult to get in a workout are the weeks when it is most important to do my workouts.

Fitness isn't just the business I'm trying to grow; it's the body and the character I'm trying to grow.

Like Tony says, "Keep pushing play."

Keep drinking your shakes!

It’s time to go try and get some sleep.